This notification provides a brief summary of each AAR Circular Letter issued during the prior month. TrinityRail monitors these Circular Letters as they relate to or may impact TrinityRail’s fleet, its customers, its shop network and its manufacturing operations. Circular letters may be viewed in their entirety by accessing the fee-based circular letter library from the Transportation Technology Center Inc. (TTCI) at
These Circular Letter – Quick Notes are intended to improve accessibility to the users and are not proof of revision to the AAR, MSRP’s, Office or Field Manuals per M-1003 2.3.5.
Subject: Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to MSRP Section S-III, COUPLER AND YOKE DETAILS, Standards S-102, S-103, S-107, S-154, S-163, and S-164, Standard E-Type Couplers
Date Issued: September 1, 2020
Date Effective: September 1, 2020
Group: Manufacturer
Summary: The purpose of this circular letter is to solicit comments for revisions proposed to Section S-III, Standards S-102, S-103, S-107, S-154, S-163, and S-164, regarding making reduced slack E-type couplers standard and removing non-reduced slack couplers as standard.
Subject: Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to MSRP Section S-III, COUPLER AND YOKE DETAILS, Standards S-108, S-109, S-155, S-165, S-170, and S-172, Standard E/F-Type Couplers
Date Issued: September 1, 2020
Date Effective: September 1, 2020
Group: Manufacturer
Summary: The purpose of this circular letter is to solicit comments for revisions proposed to Section S-III, Standards S-108, S-109, S-155, S-165, S-170, and S-172, regarding making reduced slack E/F-type couplers standard and removing non-reduced slack couplers as standard.
Subject: Informational Circular, Car Repair Facility Labor Rate
Date Issued: September 2, 2020
Date Effective: October 1, 2020
Group: Car Owner, Repair Shop
Summary: The Car Repair Facility Labor Rate, effective October 1, 2020 is $138.05. This represents a decrease of 2.1% ($2.95) from the calculation for July 1, 2020.
Subject: Informational Circular, Canadian Car Repair Facility Labor Rate
Date Issued: September 2, 2020
Date Effective: October 1, 2020
Group: Car Owner, Repair Shop
Summary: The Canadian Car Repair Facility Labor Rate, effective October 1, 2020 is $182.26 CAD. This represents a decrease of 1.24% ($2.29 CAD) from the calculation for July 1, 2020.
Subject: Implementation of Revisions to MSRP Section C, CAR CONSTRUCTION FUNDAMENTALS AND DETAILS, Standard S-2056, Clearance Plate Diagrams for Interchange Service: New diagram, Plate N
Date Issued: September 3, 2020
Date Effective: September 3, 2020
Group: Manufacturer
Summary: The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry of revisions to Section C, CAR CONSTRUCTION FUNDAMENTALS AND DETAILS, Standard S-2056, Clearance Plate Diagrams for Interchange Service. The AAR Clearance Task Force and the Equipment Engineering Committee are implementing a new diagram, Plate N.
Subject: Implementation of Revisions to Appendix A of Section J, Specification for Quality Assurance M-1003
Date Issued: September 3, 2020
Date Effective: September 3, 2020
Group: Locomotive, Manufacturer, Repair Shop
Summary: The AAR Quality Assurance Committee has collaborated with other technical committees and approved the following revisions to Appendix A of Section J, Specification for Quality Assurance M-1003.
Subject: Implementation of Revisions to MSRP Section S-III, COUPLER AND YOKE DETAILS, Standards S-176, S-177, S-178, S-179, and S-180, Regarding EOC Yokes
Date Issued: September 3, 2020
Date Effective: January 1, 2020
Group: Manufacturer
Summary: The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry of revisions to the following standards included in MSRP Section S-III, COUPLER AND YOKE DETAILS. Effective on January 1, 2021, new EOC yokes produced to these standards must be made from M-201 Grade E steel.
Subject: Implementation of Revisions to MSRP Section N, Specification M-951, Portable Bridge Plates for Multi-Level Auto Rack Cars
Date Issued: September 9, 2020
Date Effective: September 9, 2020
Group: Manufacturer
Summary: The Specially Equipped Freight Car Committee is implementing revisions to Specification M-951, Section 3.7 and Figure 3.2 and an Appendix B addition for Specifications on an Offset from Center Portable Bridge Plate.
Subject: Implementation of Revisions to MSRP Section C, CAR CONSTRUCTION FUNDAMENTALS AND DETAILS, Standards S-226 and S-227 regarding design approval of running boards, end platforms, and brake steps
Date Issued: September 16, 2020
Date Effective: September 16, 2020
Group: Manufacturer
Summary: The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry of revisions to MSRP Section C, CAR CONSTRUCTION FUNDAMENTALS AND DETAILS, Standards S-226 Running Board, End Platform, and Brake Step – Design Approval, and S-227 Running Boards, Alternate – at Sides of Double-Stack Car Wells.
Subject: Implementation of Revisions to MSRP Section G, WHEELS AND AXLES, M-107/M-208, and S-658, and MSRP Section G-II, WHEEL AND AXLE MANUAL, S-659, and RP-633, AAR-2A Standard Profile, AMFLEET Axle Relief Grooves, and Wheel Seat Measurement
Date Issued: September 17, 2020
Date Effective: September 17, 2020
Group: Manufacturer
Summary: The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry of revisions to Section G, WHEELS AND AXLES, and MSRP Section G-II, WHEEL AND AXLE MANUAL, with changes indicated as follows: M-107/M-208 WHEELS, CARBON STEEL S-658 AXLE FOR PASSENGER CARS (AMFLEET) INBOARD ROLLER BEARING—RAISED WHEEL SEAT S-659 1.0 MANDATORY RULES GOVERNING WHEEL SHOP PRACTICES AS REQUIRED BY INTERCHANGE RULES RP-633 4.0 FIGURES
Subject: Implementation of Editorial Revisions to MSRP Section H, JOURNAL BEARINGS AND LUBRICATION, M-942 Appendix E, AAR-Approved Roller Bearing Grease and Seal Combinations – Update
Date Issued: September 17, 2020
Date Effective: September 17, 2020
Group: Manufacturer
Summary: The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry of editorial revisions to MSRP Section H, JOURNAL BEARINGS AND LUBRICATION, M-942 Journal Roller Bearing Grease, Appendix E AAR-Approved Roller Bearing Grease and Seal Combinations.
Subject: Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to MSRP Section H-II, ROLLER BEARING MANUAL, Standard S-723 Rule 3, Vented Backing Rings and Maintenance Specifications
Date Issued: September 17, 2020
Date Effective: September 17, 2020
Group: Manufacturer
Summary: The purpose of this circular letter is to solicit comments for revisions proposed to MSRP Section H-II, ROLLER BEARING MANUAL, S-723 Rule 3.
Subject: Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to MSRP Section H, JOURNAL BEARINGS AND LUBRICATION, M-934 and S-703: Bearing Placement Requirement, Inner Ring (Cone) Marking, and Freight Cap Screws
Date Issued: September 17, 2020
Date Effective: September 17, 2020
Group: Manufacturer
Summary: The purpose of this circular letter is to solicit comments for proposed revisions to MSRP Section H, JOURNAL BEARINGS AND LUBRICATION, with changes indicated with change bars in the attached draft as follows: M-934, Freight Car Journal Roller Bearings S-703, Cap Screws for Journal Roller Bearing Assemblies.
Subject: DRAFT Standard S-9080.V2.0 – Positive Train Control Committee (PTCC) Policy, is available for review and comment. In support of AAR’s MSRP, Section K-I, Railway Electronics Systems Architecture and Concepts of Operations
Date Issued: September 18, 2020
Date Effective: September 18, 2020
Group: Locomotive
Summary: The PTCC of the AAR is publishing DRAFT Standard S-9080.V2.0 – PTCC Policy for review and comment.
Subject: Implementation of Revised MSRP Section C, CAR CONSTRUCTION FUNDAMENTALS and DETAILS, 2020
Date Issued: September 24, 2020
Date Effective: September 24, 2020
Group: Information
Summary: The AAR Equipment Engineering Committee is pleased to announce a new edition of the MSRP, Section C, CAR CONSTRUCTION FUNDAMENTALS and DETAILS.
Subject: Implementation of Revised MSRP Section G, WHEELS AND AXLES, 2020
Date Issued: September 29, 2020
Date Effective: September 29, 2020
Group: Information
Summary: The AAR Wheels, Axles, Bearings, and Lubrication Committee is pleased to announce a new revision of the MSRP, Section G, WHEELS AND AXLES.
Subject: IMPLEMENTED. AAR MSRP, Section K-I Railway Electronics Systems Architecture and Concepts of Operations, Standard S-9080.V2.0
Date Issued: September 30, 2020
Date Effective: September 30, 2020
Group: Locomotive
Summary: Standard S-9080.V2.0 defines policy-related items related to or required for PTC interoperability and document standard(s) associated with each. This list of policies and associated standards shall be under governance of the PTC Interoperability Committee.