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This notification provides a brief summary of each AAR Circular Letter issued during the prior month. TrinityRail monitors these Circular Letters as they relate to or may impact TrinityRail’s fleet, its customers, its shop network and its manufacturing operations. Please click on the hyperlinks below to access the full circular. The circular number is hyperlinked to the TrinityRail QA Portal. Members of the portal will be able to open the Circular Letters and any attachments. Non-members will need to access the Circulars via their AAR Circular Subscriptions.

These Circular Letter – Quick Notes are intended to improve accessibility to the users and are not proof of revision to the AAR, MSRP’s, Office or Field Manuals per AAR MSRP-J M-1003 2.3.5.

Subject: Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to Circular 43, Rules Governing the Loading, Blocking, & Bracing of Freight in Closed Containers & Trailers in Intermodal Service (DP&FC)
Date Issued: July 11, 2022
Date Effective: July 11, 2022
Group: Shipper
The purpose of this circular letter is to solicit comments for revisions proposed to Circular 43. Please submit comments or questions to Kelsey Even, Damage Prevention & Freight Claim Committee Manager, via email at All comments, relevant to the proposed revisions, received within 30 days of the issuance of this circular will be considered by the Damage Prevention and Freight Claim Committee prior to taking action.​​​

Subject: Solicitation of Comments: Revisions to MSRP F, Sensors, S-6103 Wheel Profile Detector – Section 5.0 Measurement Standards (Flange Thickness)
Date Issued: July 15, 2022
Date Effective: July 15, 2022
Group: Manufacturer
​​​​​​​​​​​​Equipment Health Monitoring Committee recently approved a proposed modification to the subject section as it relates to the measurement determination for flange thickness. The proposed changes impact section 5.2.2 & App. B, Figure B.1 of this section & are being made to conform to the measurement described in Field Manual Rule 41 A.1.a.

Subject: Implementation of Revisions to MSRP Section C, Car Construction Fundamentals & Details, Standard S-2045 Remote Monitoring Equipment, Installation.
Date Issued: July 19, 2022
Date Effective: January 1, 2024
Group: Car Owner
The purpose of this circular letter is to notify the industry of revisions to Section C, Car Construction Fundamentals & Details, Standard S-2045 Remote Monitoring Equipment, Installation. On 4/15/22, Circular Letter C-13961 was issued to solicit comments. Comments were received and considered by the Equipment Engineering Committee.

Subject: IMPLEMENTED, AAR MSRP, Section K-IV Office Architecture & Railroad Electronics Messaging, Standard S-9382.V1.0
Date Issued: July 19, 2022
Date Effective: July 19, 2022
Group: Locomotive
S-9382.V1.0 – Interoperable Asset Access Service, contains interoperable requirements for Asset Lookup & Asset Access. Standard S-9382.V1.0 was Adopted & Implemented in 2022 & is attached to this circular in PDF format. S-9382.V1.0 will be incorporated into the next issue of the MSRP, Section K-IV Office Architecture & Railroad Electronic Messaging. In the interim please insert the Circular in your copy of the MSRP Section K-IV & be governed accordingly.

Subject: IMPLEMENTED, AAR MSRP, Section K-1 Railway Electronics Systems Architecture & Concepts of Operations, Standard S-9075.V1.0
Date Issued: July 19, 2022
Date Effective: July 19, 2022
Group: Locomotive
​​​​​​​​​​​​S-9075.V.1.0 – ISMP Design Considerations, contains common & interoperable requirements for; the creation of ISMP messages, the signing of ISMP messages, the encryption of the fields in ISMP messages, establishing sessions between a back-office application & the domestic ITCSM gateway, and ISMP Message response codes.

Subject: Draft S-9101 – Appendix F – Version 1.2 – Locomotive Interface Gateway Segment & Locomotive Application Segment Subsystems Addresses is available for review & comment.
Date Issued: July 19, 2022
Date Effective: July 19, 2022
Group: Locomotive
The Railway Electronics Standards Committee is publishing this Draft for review & comment. This document is external content to the requirements in Standard S-9101. It identifies the static IP addresses assigned to the required subsystems identified in Standard S- 9101, paragraph 4.4, Table 4.2. In order to provide time for review & comment, this document will have a 30-day comment period. The time will begin with the date posted.

Subject: Recommended Railroad Operating Practices for Transportation of Hazardous Materials
Date Issued: July 22, 2022
Date Effective: July 1, 2022
Group: Locomotive
AAR’s Safety & Operations department is amending Appendix A: & B: of OT-55-R by adding HMRC 4927002 / TOXIC BY INHALATION LIQUID, FLAMMABLE, CORROSIVE, N.O.S. / UN3489 / PG 1 / Hazard Zone B / Hazard Class 6.1. These are the only changes from OT-55-R Dated 4/30/21. AAR Circular No. OT-55-R Dated 7/1/22 (attached) becomes effective 7/1/22 & supersedes all previous versions. Under the provisions of Standard S-050, which may be found on the TTCI web site, this circular reflects the final action on this matter.​

Subject: Solicitation of Comments, Revisions to Field Manual, Rule 3
Date Issued: July 26, 2022
Date Effective: January 1, 2023
Group: Repair Shops
At the April 2022 meeting of the Arbitration & Rules Committee a proposal as advanced by the Brake Systems Committee to revise Field Manual Rule 3 to capture more data to the causation of brake related repairs, was reviewed & approved. Please note that the proposed implementation date for these changes is 01/01/23.​

Subject: Solicitation of Comments for Revisions to MSRP Section M, Specification, M-1005 Locomotive Electronics Safety Assessments & Analysis
Date Issued: July 29, 2022
Date Effective: July 29, 2022
Group: Locomotive
Freight locomotives are governed, in part, by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Transportation Standards, Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 229: Railroad Locomotive Safety Standards Subpart E: Locomotive Electronics. This subpart pertains specifically to electronic locomotive control systems, subsystems, & components. The purpose of Subpart E is to promote safe design, operation, & maintenance for safety-critical electronic locomotive control systems, subsystems, & components, as defined in CFR §229.305. Specification M-1005 was developed by the AAR Subpart E Task Force, established by the Locomotive Committee, with the goal of providing a comprehensive response & standard protocol to demonstrate compliance with 49 CFR Part 229, Subpart E – Locomotive Electronics. Specification M-1005 defines a methodology & the responsibilities for both railroads & suppliers to comply with the regulatory requirements.

Subject: Fall 2022 AAR Technical Committee Meetings
Date Issued: July 29, 2022
Date Effective: July 29, 2022
Group: Informational
AAR committee meetings that have been planned for the second half of 2022 are listed below. AAR In-person committee meetings are open only to those fully vaccinated for COVID, at least two weeks past final vaccination. AAR-hosted meetings will abide by CDC, State, & local guidelines, which call for masks to be worn in public indoor settings in areas of substantial or high transmission.

Subject: Implementation of Revisions to MSRP Section C-III, Specification for Tank Cars (M- 1002), Appendix B
Date Issued: July 29, 2022
Date Effective: July 29, 2022
Group: Manufacturer, Repair Shop
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​After review, consideration, and incorporation of industry comments received, this circular reflects final action on revisions to the AAR MSRP, Section C, Part III, M-1002. All revisions are identified by change bars in the margins of the App. B attachment. ​The revisions pertain to the following AAR Tank Car Committee CPC’s: CPC-1389, CPC-1393, CPC-1395, & CPC-1397. Revisions are hereby implemented & in effect as of the publication date of this circular.